Educational Resources


Flagstaff School gardens Curriculum

Flagstaff Foodlink’s School Gardens curriculum was created in 2011-2012, made possible with support from the Flagstaff Community Foundation and individual donors. A special thanks to Kirsten Novo and Jessica McGrath who worked tirelessly on the development of this wonderful curriculum and to others who have worked to ensure that it is used!

Our school gardening curriculum is free for you to download and use.


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Local Fare - fostering agricultural research & enterprise

“In spite of a history that involves substantial agricultural productivity, northern Arizona currently imports from vast distances nearly all (95%) of the food we consume. This fact is implicated in unsustainable practices of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, creates a situation that is highly vulnerable to instabilities in the global political economy of energy and food, and represents a foregone opportunity for agricultural and agriculture-related economic development in our region … Studies show that a dollar spent on locally owned enterprises generates more than three times the local economic activity as a dollar spent in a nationally or internationally owned business. Strategically targeted research can catalyze a vibrant regional food economy with substantial opportunities for sustainable local and regional food-related enterprises.”